Daughters of Jacob Van Alstyne Sharp and Mary Chatfield, all born in upstate New York.
Back left:
Libby Sharp, 1830-1937, who married Minor Ward
Back right:
Harriet Sharp, born July 11, 1833, who married a Mr. Drake
Front, from left:
Susan Sharp, November 17, 1848 to January 30, 1905, who married John
Sylvia C. Sharp, June 19, 1836 to November 30, 1905, who married Chester
Clark, Jr.
Kate Sharp, about 1837 to October 15, 1931, who married Henry Lockwood.
Francis Sharp, born about 1835, who married Lyman Denton.
Sylvia Sharp Clark is the great, great grandmother of Andra Ilene Riggs Schmidt.
Group/photo - c.1903
SCH-01 6sharpsi