Ludwig Lindgren family

Ludwig (Louis) Lindgren and his wife Carolina (Lena-Catharina) Olivia Anderson. The children are Ruth Olivia Lindgren seated in her father's lap, Hjalmer Lindgren standing in back center, and Myrtle Lindgren standing on the right.

Ruth Olivia Lindgren was born September 4 1905 married May 19, 1937 to John Dinkel. Their daughter Carole Dinkle married Dick Manke.

Hjalmer Lindgren born February 8, 1896 died October 3, 1979

Myrtle Lindgren born October 11, 1899 married Carl Pearson. Their daughter Nadine Pearson married (1) Gene Fahlbusch (2) James Reaves.

Group/cabinet card - A. Anderson - St. Paul, MN - c.1908

MAN-01 rcm-004