

MacDonald, Claude F
Madsen, Alice Jane 1927-1996
Madsen, Martin 1879-1940
Manke, August Adolph & Pansy Roberts
Manke, August Adolph - children of - c.1910
Manke, August - with family - c.1934
Manke, August & Pansy - with grandson - c.1934
Manke, August Ferdinand 1850-1897
Manke, Carl Gotlieb 1817-1904
Manke children - c.1912
Manke, Crescentia Caroline Mueller 1856-1899
Manke family gathering - c.1934
Manke, Fredericka Reichow 1825-1910
Manke, Karl Ferdinand 1913-1998
Manke, Karl & Robert - children - c.1915
Manke, Robert Arthur - c.1923
Manke, Robert Arthur - at Pine Hollow - c.1931
Manke, Robert & Lucie Cheyney - c.1931
Marshall, May
Marshall, Mrs.
Martin, Ala
Martin, Emily - child
Mather, Fanny Williams - c.1830
Mathews, Frank Miles - 1915
Mathews, George N. - c.1890
Mathews, George N. - Hotel - c.1890s
Mathison, Ida & Hattie Norris
Matthies, Clara Fries
Matthies, Clara
Mayer, David - c.1859
McArthur, John W - child - c.1925
McBride, Professor
McBride, William John & Floy - c.1905
McBryde, Adice - c.1902
McBryde, Daniel A. - family - c.1890s
McCall, C. Brashear - child
McCall, Charley
McCall, Mattie
McClanahan, Lonnie & Hattie Rockett
McClanahan, Foster Lee
McClanahan, Montye & Nellie Sue English
McClanahan, Robert & Margaret Pierson
McClellan, George Brinton - with others - c.1862
McClurkin, May Cozart
McConn family - 1922
McConn grandfather - c.1903
McConn, Charles Maxwell - c.1885
McConn, Charles Maxwell - child - 1886
McConn, Charles Maxwell - high school - 1899
McConn, Charles Maxwell - college - 1900
McConn, Charles Maxwell - 1903
McConn, Charles Maxwell - 1903
McConn, Charles Maxwell - 1930
McConn, Charles Maxwell - 1936
McConn, Charles Maxwell - 1936
McConn, David Charles - c.1880
McConn, David Charles - c.1885
McConn, Fanny Lewis - 1875
McConn, Fanny Lewis
McConn, Fanny Lewis - 1900
McConn, Fanny L & D Charles - c.1925?
McConn, Frances Mather
McConn, Margaret (Peggy) - child
McConn, Margaret (Peggy)
McConn, Margaret (Peggy) - child - c.1926
McConn, Margaret (Peggy) 1920-1989
McConn, Margaret  - 1928
McConn, Prudence Pratt - 1905
McConn, Prudence Pratt - 1908
McConn, Prudence Pratt - 1908
McConn, Prudence Pratt - 1910
McConn, Prudence Pratt - 1912
McConn, Prudence Pratt - 1912
McConn, Prudence Pratt
McConn, Prudence Pratt - 1920
McCorkle, Alice - c.1920
McCorkle, Anna
McCorkle, Anna Elizabeth Brashear - c.1920
McCorkle, Anna Moore
McCorkle, Bergna - infant - c.1892
McCorkle, Bergna - c.1916
McCorkle, Bergna - Newton, NC
McCorkle, Bessie and Alice - c.1918
McCorkle, Bessie - c.1920
McCorkle, Bessie Brashear - c.1890
McCorkle, Bessie Brashear - with daughters - c.1920
McCorkle, Clarence - in uniform
McCorkle, F N - family - c.1910
McCorkle, Francis Neil - c.1890s
McCorkle, Francis Neil - c.1900
McCorkle, Francis Neil - Athens, GA - c.1920
McCorkle, Francis Neil - children of - adults - c.1920
McCorkle, Francis Nolan - c.1912
McCorkle, Francis Nolan & Mildred Goodale McCorkle - c.1920
McCorkle, Francis Nolan - Mayor
McCorkle, Jimmy, Alice & Kathleen - children - c.1910
McCorkle, John Alexander - his children
McCorkle, John Alexander - c.1888
McCorkle, John Alexander - c.1890
McCorkle, John Alexander - c.1890
McCorkle, John Alexander
McCorkle, John J. - c.1856
McCorkle, Louise - child
McCorkle, Louise
McCorkle, Malcolm
McCorkle, Malcolm
McCorkle, Malcolm - in uniform
McCorkle, Malcolm - in uniform - c.1918
McCorkle, Marion
McCorkle, Marion - child
McCorkle, Neil Brashear
McCorkle, Neil Brashear - c.1920
McCorkle Sisters - c.1919
McCorkle, Virginia Brashear - c.1920
McDaniel, Howard Chappel 1862-1920
McDonald, Allen - c.1929
McDonald, Amelia May (Millie) - infant c.1896
McDonald birthday party - 1918
McDonald, Fern & Florence - c.1923
McDonald, Florence & Paulsen sisters
McDonald, Hoke Smith Capt. - 1906-1974
McDuffie, Nancy Beulah & Robert Copeland Anderson
McGinnis, Mary Hardage & Virginia Armentrout
McGinnis, Mary Hardage - with bro & cousin
McGregor, Cathren Ann (Kathleen) 1893-1997
McGregor, James & Catherine Sharpe - 1881
McGregor, James "Big Jim" & family - c.1893
McGregor, James Duncan 1856-1930
McIntyre, Andrew J. - family - c.1915
McIntyre, Nancy - with group
McKenzie, Amanda Clark - c.1900
McKenzie, Carrie Green
McKenzie, Carrie Green - aged - c.1934
McKenzie, Carrie Green - with Jeanne Lange Bucsela - c.1935
McKenzie, Carrie Green & Hugh McKenzie - aged
McKenzie, Charles children - c.1890
McKenzie, Clark Henry B - c.1860
McKenzie, Clark Henry B - c.1890
McKenzie, Clark Henry B. family - c.1888
McKenzie, Clark Hugh & Carrie May Green - c.1901
McKenzie, Doris Irene - c.1907
McKenzie, Doris Irene - c.1920
McKenzie, Doris & Earl McKenzie - c.1920
McKenzie, Earl - infant - c.1908
McKenzie, Earl Clark - infant - c.1908
McKenzie, Earl Clark
McKenzie, Earl & Doris - children
McKenzie, Flora - c.1895
McKenzie, Flora
McKenzie gathering
McKenzie, Hugh - c.1880
McKenzie, Hugh - home
McKenzie, Hugh - in group
McKenzie, Hugh - with Jeanne Lange Bucsela - c.1934
McKenzie, Hugh - aged - c.1947
McKenzie, Hugh - with children - aged - c.1947
McKenzie, Kenneth - c.1902
McKenzie, Peters, Green descendants - c.1937
McKenzie reunion - North Star - c.1910
McKenzie, Robert and family
McKenzie School - Monroe County, MI - c.1910
McKenzie sisters - c.1904
McKenzie sisters - aged - c.1938
McKenzie, Stella - c.1900
McKenzie, William Berton (Bert) family - c.1901
McKenzie, William Berton children
McKercher, Agnes Aitchison & children - c.1930
McKercher, Agnes Donaldo Donna - Teacher - c.1910
McKercher, Finlay and Margaret
McKercher, James Cecil - Banker - c.1905
McKercher, Jennie Bell - c.1896
McKercher, John Malcolm & Janet Amelia - c.1912
McKercher, Margaret Amelia - c.1898
McKercher, Margaret Amelia - c.1918
McKercher, Margaret Maggie
McKercher, Peter - Surveyor - c.1869
McKercher, Peter's children - c.1891
McKercher, Peter's family - c.1892
McKercher, Peter's family - c.1912
McKercher, Peter - on farm - c.1919
McKercher, Peter - car trouble - c.1919
McKercher, Peter - supervising - c.1919
McKercher, Peter's family - c.1922
McKercher, Peter's 50th wedding aniv. - c.1925
McKercher, Peter & Agnes Y Aitchison - c.1925
McKercher, Robert
McKercher, Robert D. and Mills - c.1910
McKercher cousins in a row - c.1915
McKercher cousins - c.1915
McKercher cousins - aged
McKerchers at Stirum Store - c.1914
McKercher family with spouses - c.1930
McLemore, Chesley - cabin
McLemore cabin - parson's chamber
McNatt, Alberta & Mary Lou - c.1908
McNatt, John Howard 1901-1964
McNatt, John Howard
McNatt, P. J. & Susanne Partin McNatt
McNevin, John Roderick 1890-1952
McRae's store
McRee, Julia & Patrick Henry McRee
McRee, Laura McWhorter & granddaughters
McRee, Wiley B. & Laura A. McWhorter
McSwain group - c.1896
McWhorters of Buckhead, GA - c.1902
McWhorter, Charles Ligon - Insurance Agency - c.1930
McWhorter, Elizabeth (Bess) - Teacher - c.1926
McWhorter, George Cunningham - young man
McWhorter, George Cunningham &Harrison Monroe McWhorter
McWhorter, Gussie
McWhorter, Harrison Monroe
McWhorter, Henry Callaway - Educator, Postmaster, Carpenter - c.1894
McWhorter, James Hamilton - Judge - 1811-1885
McWhorter, James Hamilton - Judge - c.1890
McWhorter, John Welby - c.1886
McWhorter, John Welby - Mayor, Minister, Banker - c.1926
McWhorter, John Welby - Minister, Lawyer, Educator - c.1929
McWhorter, John Welby - Newspaperman, Farmer - c.1940
McWhorter, Julia Pope - c.1908
McWhorter, Julia Pope - with Minnie - c.1912
McWhorter, Julia Pope - c.1918
McWhorter, Minnie Lourine - child - c.1900
McWhorter, Minnie Lourine 1896-1967
McWhorter, Patrick Henry - c.1883
McWhorter, Patrick Henry
McWhorter, Pattie Henrietta
McWhorter, Pattie Henrietta - with son - c.1910
McWhorter, Robert Ligon 1819-1908
McWhorter, Robert Ligon - 1819-1908
McWhorter, Robert Ligon & brothers
McWhorter, Robert Ligon & Nancy Pope Thurmond - c.1899
McWhorter, Sallie (Sara) May - c.1906
McWhorter, William Harrison - c.1850
McWhorter, William Harrison - Farmer, Postmaster, Judge - c.1855
McWhorter, William Hugh - IRS - c.1859
McWhorter, William Hugh - child - c.1897
McWhorter, William Hugh - Newspaperman, Senator - c.1914
McWhorter, William Hugh, Jr. - child - c.1918
McWhorter, William Hugh, Jr. - Pilot - c.1947
Meadows, Silas - Mayor - c.1914
Medlock, Willie Vilenah & Nora B. Starke - c.1870
Meginnis, Bershe Archer - graduation
Men of Lyons, Georgia
Messengerin, Mary Ellen
Miliken's Creek F. & A. M. Lodge 302 - c.1900
Miller, B E - family
Miller, Daisy Edwards
Miller, Harold & Jessie Mae - children
Miller, Jane A
Millikin, Dude
Milne, Alexander 1817-1876
Milne, Helen 1857-1913
Milner, Dora Boyd - c.1919
Milner family - c.1915
Milner, Julia Pope
Montgomery County, GA - students - c.1900
Montgomery County Teacher's Meeting - 1904
Moore, Alfred C.
Moore, Alice and Pearl Price - c.1918
Moore, Anna Jane
Moore, Anna Jane - c.1880s
Moore, Cornelia Jackson & Wilmer Lee Moore
Moore, Logan -  family in cotton field
Moore, Madison T. & Mary Emily Webb - c.1850s
Moore, Madison Tyler - c.1860
Moore, Matthew 1831-1903
Moore, Ruth & Grace Edna Wilkey - c.1920
Morgan, E. Dr. - c.1904
Morningstar, Edward
Morningstar, Jacob & Kate
Morningstar, Katie & Reuben
Morningstar, Oscar
Morrison, H. Rev. - c.1895
Morrison, Jack & Mary S Porter
Morrison, Jack with grandchildren
Mosley, Dennis - Family and home - 1898
Moss, Mattie K & Mary Eunice - children - c.1900
Mote, Manuel Reese
Mount Vernon High School - 1896
Mrowca, Petronela & John Melgun - 1917
Mrowca, Stanislaus & Elzbieta Tatarzynski  - c.1899
Mrowca, Stanislaus & family  - c.1901
Mrowca, Tadeusz  & bride
Mrowca, Victor & Helen Tomczak
Mueller, Adolph 1825-1882
Mueller, Maria Zobel 1834-1908
Muir, David & Jane Gibson
Muir, Jane Gibson 1838-1931
Muir, Jane Gibson - postmistress
Muir, Joseph 1863-1937
Muir Ranch - c.1920s
Muir Ranch - c.1937
Murchison family members
Murchison family member
Murchison's Store - 1906
Murray, Burton B. 1897-1961
Murray, Isaac 1899-1977
Murray, William Jeffers 1896-1944
Myers, Henry & Annie Haft
Myrick, William & Floyd Brashear - c.1915


Napravnik, Gerta & Ferdinand Fischer
Napravnik, Gerta & Ferdinand Fisher - wedding - 1926
Napravnik, Gerta
Napravnik, Joseph
Napravnik, Karl "Charles" 1880-1953
Napravnik, Karl 
Napravnik, Karl, Gerta & grandmother
Napravnik, Leo ?
Napravnik, Marie
Neal, John - adult - c.1850
Neal, John 1796-1886 - soldier - c.1880
Neal, John Mrs. - adult - c.1850
Neal, William Franklin's family - c.1897
Neal, William James - c.1913
Nicholas Bielenberg Ranch - c.1880s
Nolen, Elihu M. 1846-1910 - in uniform
Norcross, Jonathan - soldier - c.1889
North, John - 3 soldiers
Northrup, Harriet - c.1926
Northrup, Mary
Nott family reunion - c.1915
Nott, Gardner - family
Nuegent, Ruby Mae
Nunn, W. J. - Choir Director - c.1890
Nutting, Nick - hanging - 1893


O'Connor, Margaret A. - c.1880
O'Flaherty, Emma McWhorter - with McRees
O'Flaherty, John & Emma McWhorter
O'Lary, George Mitchell & Amelia Mae McDonald - c.1925
O'Lary, George M - with child - c.1929
O'Lary, George Mitchell - c.1929
O'Lary, George Mitchell - garage - c.1938
O'Neal, Fred & Armor - family - 1925
O'Neal, Henry Hilton & family - c.1918
O'Neal, Henry Hilton 1894-1950
O'Neal, Robert Lester - Hardware store owner
Old Guard - c.1879
Old Guard - Gate City Guard - c.1890
Olif, Keyland
Oliver, W. C.
Orme, Evelyn - c.1898
Orr, Edgar Mrs. - c.1886
Oven, Porter, & Raney relatives
Oven, William John Breck 1875-1943
Ozburn, Auburn Vance - c.1898
Ozburn, Auburn Vance - Soldier - c.1898


Padgham, Augusta Susan Glover 1898-1985
Padgham, Doris - c.1914
Padgham, Flora E Holt - with baby
Padgham, Henry Francis Sr 1858-1948
Padgham, Henry & Flora Holt
Padgham, Henry F Sr - home
Padgham, Henry Francis Sr - with family
Padgham, Henry & Flora Holt - with family
Padgham, Henry & Flora Holt - children of
Padgham, Henry & Flora Holt - children of
Padgham, Henry and Florene
Padgham, Henry Francis Jr - child
Padgham, Henry Francis Jr - young boy
Padgham, Henry & Augusta Glover - c.1930
Page, Robert L. 1862-1936
Palmer, Emily Ellen 1910-1951
Palmer, George W. - family - c.1925
Palmer, Hazel Gertrude 1877-1949
Palmer, Joseph Kimberly 1811-1891
Palmer, Melville Kimberly 1876-1961
Palmer, Parke Joseph - wedding 1939
Palmer, Roy Eugene 1874-1927
Palmer, Walter Richard - 3rd grade class
Parker, Alvin A
Parrish, Pearl Coleman Turner
Parrish, Pearl Coleman Turner
Parrish, Pearl Coleman Turner - c.1915
Parrish, Pearl Turner - c.1915
Parrish, W. T. Col - c.1915
Partin, Dan 1889-1918
Partin, R. J - Sheriff - 1913
Payne, George Kimpton & Ruddle & Gander - 1912
Peace, Elizabeth Ann Dyar - 1852-1927
Peacock, W. F. - Physician - c.1895
Pearce, W. H. - Racecar Driver with Mechanic - 1910
Pearl, Lloyd & Andy - 1897
Pepperrell, Col. William - Merchant - c.1700
Perkerson, Lizzie - c.1870
Peters, Anna
Peters, Ella Jane - c.1880
Peters, Ellen (Ella) Jane - c.1880
Peters family reunion - c.1925
Peters, George - c.1892
Peters, Harriet E. Northrup - home
Peters, Harriet (Hat) Northrup - c.1923
Peters, Hat
Peters, Jane Rose 1836-1936
Peters, Mary F.
Peters, Mary Jane - adult - c.1870
Peters, Richard - adult - c.1889
Peters, Robbie & Beatrice - children - c.1850
Peters, Robert R. - infant - c.1894
Peters, Robert R
Peters, Robert R - c.1862
Peters, Robert R - daughters
Peters, Sidney
Peters, Will
Petersen, Ellmine & Mrs. Jake Dewald - c.1918
Peterson, Sharpe, and Odom - c.1911
Pfohl, Harriet Elizabeth Whittington
Pfohl, John Kenneth 1874-1967
Pfonner, Fred
Phillips, Meldrin & girl - c.1900
Phillips, Meldrin - horse & buggy - c.1900
Picot, Edw. B. d'Espinville
Picot, Edw. B. d'Espinville - c.1866
Picot, Edwin Mrs.
Pierce, Emma S and Charles Picot Bolmar
Pierce, Emma S and Charles Picot Bolmar
Pierson, Francis & Ansel
Pirson birthday party
Pirson family
Pirson, Fries, Heist, Geyer, Flood, & Bleyle cousins
Pirson, Fries, Heist, Geyer, Flood, & Bleyle cousins
Pirson cousins - 1938
Pirson siblings
Pirson sisters & brother
Pirson, Arthur
Pirson, Charlotte
Pirson, Edwin
Pirson, Elizabeth M.
Pirson, Elizabeth Weaver
Pirson, Eva & Magdalena (Helen)
Pirson, Eva Knoche 1816-1905
Pirson, Frederick
Pirson, George
Pirson, Irene
Pirson, Irene & Charlotte
Pirson, Katherine & Louise
Pirson, Lizzette Koenig
Pirson, Lizzette Koenig
Pirson, Lizzette Koenig
Pirson, Lorena & Alma
Pirson, Magdalena & Carrie - c.1860s?
Pirson, Magdalena & Eva
Pirson, Margaret
Pirson, Mary
Pirson, Philip
Pirson, Philip & unidentified man
Pirson, Philip
Pirson, William
Pirson, William
Pirson, William & Lizzette Koenig
Pirson, William & siblings
Pirson, William - saloon
Pittman, Vinnie & Zeak
Porter brothers - c.1915
Porter children
Porter cousins - c.1899
Porter, Edward Gibbs - Lighthouse Keeper - c.1900
Porter, Edward Swindell 1905-1968 - child
Porter, Edward S & Richard G III - children
Porter, Effie Walker & daughters
Porter, Effie Walker & family - 80th birthday
Porter, Elizabeth Louise Marshall (Mrs R H Jr)
Porter, Elizabeth Pepperrell - young
Porter, Elizabeth Pepperrell 1855-1930
Porter, Gilbert Rodman 1905-1998
Porter, Harriet Frances - child - c.1883
Porter, Harriet Frances - c.1901
Porter, Harriet Frances 1881-1963
Porter, Helen Elizabeth 1907-1995
Porter, Julia Adeline - young girl
Porter, Leila 1898-1979 - young girl
Porter, Leila 1898-1979
Porter, Leila & Helen
Porter, Marietta Ida - Choir at Knoxville, TN
Porter, Marietta Ida
Porter, Marietta Ida - Graduation
Porter, Mary Tibbits 1883-1966
Porter, Reuben Walker 1897-1946
Porter, Richard Gibbs - Merchant - c.1846
Porter, Richard Gibbs 1809-1867
Porter, Richard Gibbs Jr - children in yard
Porter, Richard Gibbs Jr - children of
Porter, Richard Gibbs Jr - with dogs - c.1936
Porter, Richard Gibbs Jr - Lumber Business - c.1936
Porter, Richard Henry Jr. & Gilbert Rodman Porter - children
Porter, Richard Henry - children of - c.1896
Porter, Richard Henry - daughters
Porter, Richard Henry - Clerk Circuit Court - c.1900
Porter, Richard Henry - with granddaughter - c.1909
Porter, Roswell King 1916-1998 - child
Porter, Roswell King 1916-1998 - in uniform
Porter, Thomas Francis 1846-1911
Porter, Thomas Rev 1766-1821
Porter, William Salter - child
Porter, William Salter  - c.1882
Porter, William Salter 1860-1930
Porter, William Salter Rev with wife and child
Porter, William Salter Rev 1860-1930
Porter, William Salter Rev - & family - 1906
Porter, William Salter Rev - home
Potter, Frances Squire 1867-1914
Potter, Juliette 1834-1898
Powell, M K
Pratt, Margaret
Pratt, Mary Mayers - 1924
Pratt, Mary Mayers
Pratt, Prudence - 1900
Price, Annette - age 4
Price, Annette & Jean Bedgood - c.1938
Price, Gladys & Burwell
Price, Gladys & Burwell - home
Price, Jasper "Dude" & Dicey Jane Meadows
Price, Nora Neal & others - c.1900
Price, Roscoe - c.1895
Price, Roscoe - c.1900
Price, Roscoe & Dan Price - c.1910
Price, Roscoe with rifle
Price, Roscoe - c.1940s
Princeton Theological Seminary - class of 1891
Proctor, Willie, Lewis, & Claud
Puerto Cabezas Mission house


Quarterman, Lydia Caroline 1844-1905
Quenzel, Charles Frederick - c.1938
Quenzel, Elsa (Elsie) May


Raby, Allan Cicero 1868-1956
Ragan, Jarrett & Martha Ann Ivey
Ragan, Lucinda Mobley 1861-1917
Railroad Depot at Higgston, Georgia
Rambler 1905
Raney, David Greenway Jr. - c.1861
Raney, Frances Harriet 1845-1875
Raney, Virginia - young woman
Raney, Virginia 1852-1942
Raney, Virginia - aged - c.1941
Rattray, M J Dr - Veternarian
Reid, Elizabeth Amanda
Renz, Walter and Vera
Rewis, Eliza Jane O'Neal
Reynolds, Catherine 1847-1922
Reynolds, F. P.
Reynolds, Hugh Montgomery 1818-1893
Reynolds, James Nason
Reynolds, Richard
Richardson, Mattie
Ritter, Father
Roberts, Abigail Welch 1832-1907
Roberts, Cornelius 1810-1897
Roberts, Pansy 1881-1973
Roberts, Pansy & August Manke
Robertson/Davis cousins
Robertson, Charles Francis 1926-2000
Robertson, E. Clyde - c.1920
Robertson, James Alva 1881-1943
Robertson, James Alva & Sallie Myrtle Barker - c.1903
Robertson, James Alva & family - c.1912
Robertson, Johnie Barto 1879-1924
Robertson, Johnie Barto - family
Robertson, Lollie Belle & James - c.1911
Robertson Milling Company - c.1916
Robertson, William Fletcher Sr. 1876-1961
Robertson, William Fletcher Sr. - c.1899
Robertson, William Fletcher Sr - c.1916
Robertson, William Fletcher Sr - c.1918
Robertson, William Fletcher Sr & family - c.1926
Robertson, William Franklin 1854-1916
Robinson, Essie - c.1890
Robinson Family
Robinson, Frank - funeral
Rock Spring Church, Toombs Co, GA
Rockett, Daisy Frank Hopkins 1877-1960
Rodgers, Tom - c.1890
Rogers, John Horace & Martha Jane McLeod
Rogers, Pleasant Wiley Washington - c.1890
Rogers, Queen
Rogers, Russell H Jr - infant
Rogers, Russell Henry & Eugenia Beckham
Rogers, Thomas
Rountree, Ivey & Miss Stroud - c.1910
Rountree, Ivey Washington 1888-1979
Rountree, Laura - c.1924
Rountree, Laura Coleman - aged
Rountree, Robert
Rountree, Walter - Physician
Rountree, William Perry & family - c.1888
Rowles, Barry
Royston, Jule - c.1890
Ruge, George Henry - c.1885
Ruge, George Henry - c.1900
Ruge, Mrs George Henry & children - c.1889
Ruge, Olive Fenno - child - c.1900
Ruge, Olive Fenno


Saffold, James 1888-1909
Saffold, Jim - c.1908
Salter, Benjamin Franklin 1792-1858
Salter, Mary Tibbits - c.1845
Salter, Mary Tibbits with son Richard Henry Porter - c.1850
Salter, Mary Tibbits 1824-1902
Salter, William Tibbits - 1838-1908
Sandholm, Herman with children - c.1899
Saunders, Charlie - Coleman, GA
Saylor, Thomas & Margaret McKercher
Scales sisters
Scarboro, R F - Sheriff - c.1905
Schwartz, Frederick 1840-1925
Schwartz, Rosa Anna 1887-1921
Scotland, Georgia - downtown - c. 1925
Scott, Wood & Coleman
Scudder, Carson
Scuffletonians on gallows - c.1893
Scuffletonians - hanging - c.1893
Seckinger, Annie Height
Seckinger, Camilla Jordan 1886-1971
Seckinger, Camilla Jordan - in wedding gown
Seckinger, Emma DeEtte 1884-1964
Seckinger, Letitia Winifred 1876-1978
Seckinger, Malcolm Otis Sr 1880-1953
Seckinger, Malcolm and Elva - children
Seckinger, Stella 1871-1911
Seib, Elizabeth
Seibel, Aunt
Seibel, Aunt - very old
Seibel, Uncle
Sellers, Belle - June 10, 1869
Senyard, Fay - in uniform
Sharp, A A - Vidalia, GA
Sharp sisters - 1903
Sharpe celebration - c.1911
Sharpe family - c.1911
Sharpe family gathering - c.1911
Sharpe, Elliott & McIntyre
Sharpe, Mathew - children of - c.1911
Shuman, Francis B & family - c.1890
Shuman's Meat Market - c.1907
Shuman, S R & family - c.1920
Sikes, T E Elder 1860-1943
Sikes, W G - office
Slade, Charles & Strong, Palmer, MacDonald
Smith, Albert & family - c.1905
Smith, Genie Hollis - c.1900
Smith, H Turner Rev
Smith, Henry Allen
Smith, Minnie Coleman
Smith, Tiny Maude - child - c.1910
Smith, Tiny Maude
Smith, W P C (Will) 1875-1928
Smith, W P C & family - c.1914
Smith, W P C - home Lyons, GA - c.1907
Smith, W T K & Laura Conley
Smith, William "Willie" - late 1800s
Smith, William "Willie" - Commisary
Sorter, Mat - WWI soldier - c.1918
Southern Express Company - c.1912
South Georgia Sugar Cane Mill
Speed, John Joseph & family - c.1912
Spencer, Frank Wilson 1882-1979
Spinks, Michael Makinzie - c.1927
Spyak, John & Johanna Mrowca
Stanley, Hal M & others - c.1941
Staples, Judith
Steinman, Michael
Stenersen, Alexander Marensis - family
Stenersen family - c.1907
Stoltz, Barbara Detenbeck
Stoltz, Henry - family
Stone, D. C. - late 1800s
Stone, McIntosh, Holley, Hilley & Darby - c.1900
Sutton, Jepson
Sutton, Mary Northrup
Swanson children
Swartz, John & Tienie Kohler


Tatarzynski family
Thomas, Eloise with others - c.1920
Thomas, Henrietta
Thomas, Henry Sr
Thomas, Herndon
Thomas, Herndon - with family - c.1928
Thomas, James A Sr
Thomas, James Robert William
Thomas, J R W - campsite
Thomas, Jefferson Davis Sr 1865-1953
Thomas, Mary Lorena Clark
Thomas, William James M & children- c.1880
Thomas, William J. M. 1827-1898
Thompson, Allie Irene Bayless 1874-1906
Thompson family
Thompson Hotel lobby - c.1900
Thompson, Joseph & family
Thompson, Lucille Mildred - c.1908
Thompson, W M & family
Thompson, W M Mrs & daughters
Thorn, Earl
Three girls in a goat cart
Thurmond, Nancy Pope - c.1910
Thurmond, Nancy Pope 1832-1916
Tibbits, Harriet Chase - 1830
Timber men - Montgomery County, GA - c.1900
Tinkham, Grandpa
Tinkham reunion
Tinkham sisters
Tobin, Flora McKenzie
Tollison, J Lawton & Audrey - children - c.1905
Tollison, J Lawton - in uniform - c.1918
Tollison, Nettie Jones & Jean - c.1930
Tollisons of Forsyth County, GA - c.1900
Towns family
Tribble, George Williamson - Physician
Tupper, Esther
Turner, John - Birthday Celebration - 1929
Turner, Pearl Coleman
Turner, Pearl Coleman with unidentified man
Turpentine still in South Georgia
Trotter, Lewis Steven - daughters of
Trotter, Wilda Victoria 1901-1987



Valgamore, Cecil Henry 1900-1974
Valgamore, Cecil & Alice May Clark - c.1918
Valgamore, Estill Bell
Valgamore, Henry I & Velma Helen - c.1888
Valgamore, Ivan Richard - c.1910
Valgamore, Vernon & Christine Young
Valgamore Creamery
Vanderbilt Cup Race - c.1911
Vann, Claude - Dairy Worker - c.1915
Vidalia Advanace Popularity Contest - c.1911
Vidalia Baptist Church Sunday School - c.1914
Vidalia Collegiate Institute - c.1909
Vidalia Collegiate Institute - class of 1909 reunion
Vidalia Collegiate Institute - Faculty - c.1914
Vidalia Collegiate Institute - Faculty - c.1914
Vidalia Collegiate Institute - Seniors - 1914
Vidalia Collegiate Institute - c.1915
Vidalia Collegiate Institute - c.1924
Vidalia High School - 8th grade - c.1923
Vidalia, GA - July 4th Parade - c.1914
Vidalia Grocery Company - c.1913
Vidalia Public School - 6th grade - c.1912
Vinning, Robert Shorter & family
Volgamore-Valgamore - c.1952
Vulgamore, Arthur Caswell - c.1885
Vulgamore, Davis S 1833-1879


Waldron, Grey, Jim Etheridge, George M. Lary - c.early 1900s
Walker, Bill with others
Walker, Effie Amanda - young girl
Walker, Effie Amanda 1871-1962
Walker, Jack E - c.1939
Walker, Reuben King 1844-1915
Walker sisters - aged
Wallace, Mattie Eugenia
Wallace, Mattie Eugenia 1872-1961
Wallace, Wright, Shouse & McWhorter
Waller, Charlie Willis 1880-1927
Waller, Charlie Willis & Anna Kemp Waller
Waller, Edward
Waller, Harry - Dairy Manager - c.1925
Waller, Harry Edward 1892-1941
Waller, John Ellington 1882-1971  - young man
Waller, John Ellington 1882-1971
Waller, Samuel & Aurelia
Waller, Samuel & Aurelia  - married 1875
Waller, Samuel - daughters of
Waller, Samuel Lawrence 1875-1952
Waller, Samuel Lawrence & cow
Waller, Samuel Lawrence at cow dip
Waller, Samuel L - family reunion - c.1912
Wallett, Ada - the Great Zazell
Wallett, Clifford 1885-1943
Wallett, William F - Oueen's Jester c.1876
Wallett, William F with family
Warren, Frank, Ella and Rose - 1906
Warren, James Isaac 1878-1939
Warren, James William 1853-1878
Warren, Mary Hilts and Julia
Watermelon cutting - Higgston, GA - c.1900
Waters, John - Mayor - c.1874
Watkins, Newton - c.1890
Watson, Henry
Weaver, Benjamin & Melissa Sherk & Orpha
Weaver, Caroline Marie 1877-1967
Weaver, Caroline Pirson and John
Weaver, Carrie Pirson Weaver
Weaver, Carrie Pirson Weaver
Weaver, Charles Edward & Louise Seafang
Weaver, Charles Henry & Suzie Rinehart
Weaver, Ed
Weaver farmhouse
Weaver, George
Weaver, Ida Louise 1875-1933
Weaver, John
Weaver, John & Carrie, Laura & Richard Harris
Weaver, John & Carrie - at home
Weaver, Katherine
Weaver, Laura
Weaver, Marie & Kate & Laura
Weaver, Marie Carolyn with George & Cora Clark
Weaver, Martin & Margaret Pirson
Weaver, Maude & Mabel
Weaver, Mildred - infant
Weaver, Oscar & Omar
Weaver, Will
Webb, James P 1899-1970
Weiss family
Weiss family
Wenbold, Irene
Whatley, Tiny Maude - c.1922
White, Flora, John & Walter
Whitman, Willie A & Ada
Wicker, Julia & Annie
Widdis, Ellen Maria 1866-1938
Wilcox, Stella McKenzie - c.1920
Wilkes, Lane - c.1910
Wilkey, Grace Edna - c.1920
Wilkey, Isham Garrett - c.1920s
Wilkey, Mardis Truman - c.1920s
Wilkinson, Preacher & Dan Coleman - c.1929
Willcox & McGregor - 1937
Williams, Christian - c.1907
Williams, Corrie - c.1890
Williams, Edward - c.1890
Williams, Lillie Mae Miller - c.1903
Williams, Vessy - c.1890
Willis, A.D.
Willis, A.D. - family
Willis Family
Wilson, Fannie Brown - aged
Wilson, Fannie Brown with others - c.1923
Wilson, Jim - 118 years old - c.1944
Wilson, Jim - aged - c.1944
Wilson, William Marshall - family - c.1912
Wilton, Albert  - child
Wilton, Albert 1874-1906
Wilton, Chapin & Grigg
Wilton, Dolly & Edna
Wilton, Dolly Juliette - c.1916
Wilton, Henry & Jane Green
Wilton, Henry & Mari Case
Wilton, Ida
Wilton, Jacob A & Jennie P Chapin
Wilton, Jacob A with family
Wilton, Jacob Alfred 1855-1915
Wilton, Jacob J. family
Wilton, Jane Green - c.1873
Wilton, Lloyd
Wilton, Rachel & Alfred P Carter
Wilton, Russel - c.1900
Wilton, William Edward & family
Winder News Office - c.1920
Windsor Hotel, Lyons GA - c.1913
Withers, Bridget - c.1735
Wood, Clara & Jim Saffold - c.1908
Woodham, Gail & Bunty - children
Woodham, Gail & Bunty
Woodham, Jennie May - child - c.1890
Wooten Drug Store, Lumber City, GA - 1937
Wooten, Ida Clements & Henry Clements
Woosley, Pearl Ellenetta 1888-1959
Woosley, Pearl Ellenetta - c.1909
Woosley, Pearl Ellenetta - as a nurse
Woosley, Pearl Ellenetta - with friends
Woosley, Pearl Ellenetta - in Atlantic City, NJ
Woosley, Samuel A
Worthington, Charlie
Wright, Arthur & family
Wright, Arthur Mrs & daughter
Wright, Sara Lee & McWhorters
Wynn, Pat & Mary Ethel Brashear
Wyrick, Francis & Will Carlton



Yarbrough, Clara Lillian - c.1928
Yeomans, Charlie
Yeomans, Martha Ann 1860-1927 - original tintype
Yeomans, Martha Ann 1860-1927 - retouched tintype
Yeomans, Martha A & son - c.1902
Yeomans, Sarah Bazemore - c.1870
Yeomans, Vannah
Yeomans, Willie
Young, Agnes - of Scotland
Young, Albert Frederic 1863-1930 - Merchant
Young, Albert Frederic - c.1883
Young, Albert Frederic - Grocer - c.1898
Young, Albert Frederic - inside store
Young, Albert Frederic - Municipal Judge - c.1910
Young, Albert Frederic with family - c.1891
Young, Albert with family on sidewalk - c.1900
Young, Albert Frederic & family - c.1910
Young, Charles Theodore - child - c.1871
Young, Charles Theodore - Salesman - c.1880
Young, Charles Theodore (Ted) 1861-1943
Young, Clarice
Young, Clarice & son Jimmy Curtiss
Young, Clarice, Rose & Mabel - c.1930s
Young, Elmer F - Store keeper - c.1908
Young, Eugene - child - c.1877
Young, Eugene - child - c.1884
Young, Eugene - Lawyer - c.1903
Young, Eugene at Builders Exchange - c.1916
Young, Eugene & family - c.1923
Young, Eugene - children of - c.1913
Young, Eugene C & Douglas R Young - c-1920
Young, Eugene Cecil - child - c.1908
Young, Harold E & Lillian - c.1928
Young, Henry & Magdelena Iltis - c.1860
Young, Henry - Merchant, Riverman - c.1860
Young, Henry Mathias - c.1893
Young, Horace at train station - c.1918
Young, Horace & Margaret Hart - wedding - c.1924
Young, Iltis & Eder family gathering - c.1915
Young, Mabel - c.1910
Young, Mabel - c.1915
Young, Madelaine - c.1897
Young, Magdelena Iltis & children
Young, Norman Henry & Louise - c.1926
Young, Norman Henry & Rose Jonas - c.1928
Young, Robert  - c.1920s
Young, Robert  - c.1920s
Young, Robert & infant - c.1920s
Young & Iltis gathering - c.1914
Young brothers - c.1920
Young brothers - c.1930
Young patriotic cousins - c.1920


Zara, Frank Joseph - child - c.1907
Zuber, Eva Douglas - c.1887
Zuber, Eva Douglas - c.1890
Zuber, Mary Ann Clements 1827-1889